The thing about friendship

4:24 PM Thursday, July 31, 2008

Today a friend at work sent me a horoscope thingy, which, okay, I don't put a lot of stock in, but something in it made me think. It said "it is time to re-evaluate a relationship", and it kind of struck home.

I have a friend whom I used to hear from almost daily and whom I considered to be one of my best friends. Then, I stopped hearing from her abruptly and she won't respond to emails, phone calls and messages, not even texts. I don't know what's going on and she won't even throw me a bone.

If we aren't friends anymore, I didn't get the memo. And I'm the type of person that appreciates a memo. If we aren't friends, just tell me. If you're in a phunk and don't want to talk to anyone, let me know. But, the worst thing to do is start ignoring me. You do that and I can guarantee we won't be able to be friends again. It's happened with other people in my life and if you know me, you know I rarely, if ever, give second chances.

So, if you want to retain my friendship, speak now or forever hold your peace.

15 seconds of... shame?

1:19 PM Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I've been asked to participate in a commercial for United Way (with my workplace) that will only be aired in the Utah market.

This is not the first time I will have appeared on television. First, my small stint as an extra on Touched by an Angel (a very long time ago). Then, my adventure with the Sally Jesse Raphael show (a blog for another time). And now, this.

I feel like a total geek and we don't even film until mid-August.

Wish me luck.


10:34 AM Saturday, July 19, 2008

I just want to be adored.

Is that so wrong?

What's that smell?

5:02 PM Friday, July 11, 2008

I just finished my 12th laser hair removal treatment on my face. Needless to say, my face looks like hamburger, feels hotter than hell and the smell of burnt hair is lingering in my sad nostrils.


Nerd of immense proportion

9:32 AM Monday, July 7, 2008

So, I had pre-ordered Stephenie Meyer's next book in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn on Amazon. The book is released on August 2nd and I’ve been mentally counting down (no, I haven't made a paper braid to count down, although it has crossed my mind).

I went to Amazon’s website to check my order status and estimated shipping date and I just about shat myself, October 6th? WHAT??? No way in hell am I going to wait an extra two months for that coveted book.

My friend and I checked Barnes & Noble and they are having release parties at certain locations, we chose a location and called them to sign up. They have us on the list and we’re guaranteed a book. Whew!

Since it is released at midnight, we’ll go, hang out, get the book and then have all weekend to sit around and read. I couldn’t be more stoked!

Happy Fireworks Day!

4:00 PM Sunday, July 6, 2008

Um, two days ago.

We decided to get the hell out of dodge for the extended weekend and ended up in Parowan, UT. Where is that, you ask? Picture a very small town near Cedar City and if you're unaware of that location, think an hour north of St. George or 3.5-4 hours south of SLC. Smack dab in the middle of nowhere.

It's quaint and quiet, except for the cannon that goes off sharply at 6:00 AM the morning of July 4th, at least a dozen times. If that doesn't wake you, I don't know what will. It shook the windows and the entire house. Ugh.

There was breakfast at the local high school, a parade, Morgan got to ring the church bells (and hasn't shut up about it since) and topped off with fireworks at BrianHead ski resort. Loud fireworks echoing off the mountains makes them even louder, if you didn't already know.

All in all a fun trip with Ryan's family, staying in his grandfather's ancestral, historical home and sleeping on an air mattress. Which did nothing for the state of my sad, painful shoulder.

What did you do?