It's been a while...

1:05 PM Friday, October 31, 2008

Yesterday Ryan dropped Hazel off at the vet to be spayed. Five years old and two litters later, we figured it was about time.

Ryan brought her home at the end of the day and she was stoned out of her mind. Lying around looking wall-eyed and out of sorts, avoiding Morgan at all costs. Poor puppy. It broke my heart to see her like that. She's my first baby, ya know.

Today she is more like herself, up and around a bit, although we have been giving her pain meds. She doesn't seem too concerned with the stitches, so no cone-head for her. And her tail is wagging again.

I'm relieved that it's done and over with and we don't have to worry about another heat. Plus, we're hoping it calms her down some, being a boxer makes her quite hyper at times.


Morgan's third birthday is Saturday and I'm still wondering where the time went. I had her convinced to have a pirate-themed party, but while looking at the catalog she saw Tinkerbell, so that was the end of that. Tinkerbell it is! Plus, since she is dressing as Tinkerbell for Halloween, she'll be able to wear her costume at the party.


We leave for our cruise in just over a week's time and my mind is consumed with planning and dreaming, so I apologize for being a slacker.