If you love me...

9:27 PM Friday, August 15, 2008

And value my friendship...

You won't

1. Put me down as a reference for a check loan
2. Put me down as a reference for a rental car
and then,
3. Skip town and disappear leaving me to be harassed by these places looking for you.

Ugh! What the fuck?

*Yes, this is really happening... I hate people. But not you, I like you.

Live United

3:02 PM Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So, I mentioned before how I was selected to be in a commercial for United Way and now the time has come for filming. We will be in studio on Thursday for the better part of the morning.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, and I'm having a little bit of anxiety over it. I'm not exactly shy, but the thought of being on camera makes me feel sick to my stomach. Plus, the camera adds 10 pounds, right? In any case I can't afford to add pounds, if you know what I mean. (I kid).

I have no idea when it's expected to air, but I do know that it will only air in the Utah market. So, if you see a United Way commercial with a dark haired, fat girl with tattoos; yeah, that's me.

Breaking Dawn

6:09 AM Sunday, August 3, 2008

I read Breaking Dawn in one day.

Oh. My. God!