Happy Fireworks Day!

4:00 PM Sunday, July 6, 2008

Um, two days ago.

We decided to get the hell out of dodge for the extended weekend and ended up in Parowan, UT. Where is that, you ask? Picture a very small town near Cedar City and if you're unaware of that location, think an hour north of St. George or 3.5-4 hours south of SLC. Smack dab in the middle of nowhere.

It's quaint and quiet, except for the cannon that goes off sharply at 6:00 AM the morning of July 4th, at least a dozen times. If that doesn't wake you, I don't know what will. It shook the windows and the entire house. Ugh.

There was breakfast at the local high school, a parade, Morgan got to ring the church bells (and hasn't shut up about it since) and topped off with fireworks at BrianHead ski resort. Loud fireworks echoing off the mountains makes them even louder, if you didn't already know.

All in all a fun trip with Ryan's family, staying in his grandfather's ancestral, historical home and sleeping on an air mattress. Which did nothing for the state of my sad, painful shoulder.

What did you do?


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