Seeing stars...

6:20 PM Monday, September 29, 2008

I love stars! My living room is decorated in stars (not to be confused with America, which it is NOT).

Here are a few quilts I've made that adorn my living room:

Buggy Barn Star quilt:

Oh My Stars quilt (currently on the wall):

Big Star (almost finished and will be on the wall):


  1. I have started a quilt for my bed and I don't even have all the pieces cut yet. I figure in 3 years it will be really cool. If I need help I know who to call!


  2. Wow.. those look great.. you are and always have been sooooo creative and crafty :)

    Ry and Xaine

  3. Looking good! Love the Buggy Barn Pattern!


  4. hi Jayne!! I saw your picture on a bus today! I think you are now the most famous person I know! ((sad on my part I know) I love seeing your quilts. You are so creative! I can't wait to see your ornament!


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