Breaking Dawn

6:09 AM Sunday, August 3, 2008

I read Breaking Dawn in one day.

Oh. My. God!


  1. How was it??


  2. I had to finish my book on Richard "The Ice Man" Kuklinski first! I was bummed cause the book was on the kitchen counter staring at me! Thank god I started reading it at work tonight! Did you love it?


  3. I am about half way through it and I can't seem to put it down. One day what the hell you crazy woman.


  4. I just finished and I am glad to have it over with. I am tired of getting nothing accomplished in a day because all I can do is read! She packed so much into this one. My mind is still reeling!


  5. It was amazing... I've read it twice now, even though I lent it out for a few days. (I'm a wicked fast reader.)
    Yes, I'm crazy.
    Also, I feel closure, but I still feel like she left things open so that she could write about this world again, just focusing on other characters since Bella & Edward's story is complete.

    Jayne Sue

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